
September Member of the Month: Emma Green

woman hanging

Before joining CrossFit Downriver about a year and a half ago, I was settling.  I had gotten too comfortable in my ‘normal’ – a mediocre relationship, rarely stepping foot in a gym and eating and drinking whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. From the first days of the on-ramp at CFDR, I knew this was a place that I could challenge myself and start a new, healthier ‘normal’ both physically and emotionally. I love that literally everyone at CFDR wants you to succeed and will push you to better yourself every day that you step into the gym. After a year and half, I am definitely hooked and CrossFit is the first workout that I see myself sticking with for years to come. I’m the strongest that I have ever been and wake up excited to check the WOD and see what we’ll be working on that day. My goals for the year are to do a bar muscle up, join the 300 club dead-lifting and start competing in some fun, not-too-serious competitions!