
Benefits of Deadstop Training

Group of people doing core exercise

Quick Look at the Benefits of Deadstop Training The primary benefit of deadstop training is that it shuts off the stretch reflex so that it doesn’t offer any assistance during the hardest phases of the lift. powerlifting meets require a full stop during the bench, squat, and deadlift competition – to get an uncompromised assessment of true muscular strength in a given movement. No bounce off the sternum/hope I don’t snap a rib technique allowed. Another benefit of deadstop training is that it gives you a split second to re-establish your technique. On movements like the deadlift, you can physically readjust yourself between reps so that your pull happens from the best possible geometry. Compare this to training with the stretch reflex where we typically see technique degrade with each successive rep. Better movement always yields better results. Deadstop Training Deadstop training means coming to a full stop at the bottom of a deadlift, squat, bench press, and the like. However, when most lifters think of “deadstop training,” they think of deadlifts and maybe a bench press movement. Sports like football or even sprinting, aggressive pushing movements (blocking from the chest, pushing off the ground for a start) are required, […]

Humans were not designed to be sedentary!!!!!  Everyone knows that exercise is essential for good health, but what many don’t realize is exactly how beneficial it is. Exercise is not only useful for helping you lose weight, maintaining a healthy body weight, and making you feel good, but exercise can also help treat many medical conditions – often times more effectively than the medications intended for that specific purpose.  If exercise were a pill, it would be the most prescribed medication in the world.  The truth of the matter is, exercise is not a pill and takes commitment, effort and work.  Most importantly, it takes consistency and a lifestyle change.  However, drug companies don’t make any money promoting natural solutions – like exercise – that work better than the medications they are pushing, without all of the nasty side effects prescriptions bring with them.  There are many health conditions that can be effectively treated with exercise. You should always talk to your doctor before making major changes in physical activity or medication usage, but if he or she tells you exercise wont work for you, get a second opinion.

Stop acting like living a healthy lifestyle is a big deal!!!!!  It doesn’t have to be a “sacrifice” or an “obligation”.  It can just be your “normal”.   Stop treating exercise as something to do when it is convenient, and set a schedule for yourself to follow.  Setting a schedule is important because we all know life can get crazy. We all have the same amount of hours in a day, and we all find time to do the things that are important to us.  So why isn’t your health important enough to get into the gym and make working out a priority?